How Much Bar Mitzvah Gift - Jewish Ceremonies, Inc.

How Much Bar Mitzvah Gift – It is a coming-of-age ceremony of a Jewish Boy. The comin’-of-age ceremony of a Jewish boy is an important day of his life from then on he is considered an adult to perform religious rituals. A big occasion to celebrate just like celebrating a new life and union of lives. The Bar Mitzvah is an important ceremony for a smooth transition of childhood to adulthood of a boy making him realise the religious importance and making him take part in society and community.

What is a Bar Mitzvah and its importance?How Much Bar Mitzvah Gift

It is the ceremony of a Jewish boy on reaching religious adulthood. From then on, he can partake in forming a quorum. The celebration of the boy reaching his 13th birthday is a major event. The boy is now considered responsible and expected to fulfil all the commandments. He shall don phylacteries or tefillin (religious symbols worn on the forehead and left arm) during morning prayers. 

The boy is required to read the Torah only on any occasion of his 13th birthday in a religious service but is usually made to read the Torah on Sabbath. After reading the religious book he is finally acknowledged as an adult by the religious majority.  It is a day to celebrate, thus after the ceremony the family, friends and close acquaintances may celebrate the big day of the boy’s life by praying over a cup of wine or having a banquet or family dinner, often celebrated as a festival meal kiddush.

It is an important celebration marking his initiation into society. It is just as important as the birth or death ceremony of a person. Many might see it as a religious act but it also marks the start of a boy’s adulthood.  The transition from childhood to adulthood in religious activities is considered a huge milestone in the Jewish religion as he is now eligible to take different roles in the Jewish community thus the gifts may vary on different factors such as:

  • The relationship with the boy or boy’s family.
  • The size of the ceremony, according to the celebration and support you wish to show to the boy’s joyful day.
  • According to tradition and religious significance, one should decide on the gift and its price.
  • Attendance at the event : If you are attending the ceremony then you ought to give significant religious books or meaningful gifts for the celebration.
  • If you are not attending, then you can consider buying a smaller yet meaningful gift for the boy.
  • If you are considering gifting money, then according to traditional belief, you should only gift money in multiple of 18. In Jewish history, “chai” means life blessing for good fortune. The two numbers 1 and 8 are spelled out as “chai” thus 18 is considered an auspicious number in Jewish ceremonies and donations.

The price range can go from $20-100. The more closeness for the boy can be the reason to opt for expensive, valuable, traditional gifts or gifts with religious importance. Many parents wish to make this day a memorable experience for the boy thus the cost of the gift can also vary on the budget of the family and how the occasion is celebrated.

The gifts chosen for boy’s special day are also important therefore it is best to know the boy’s interests and hobbies if you do not wish to gift something with religious significance. The gifts can be money in a multiple of 18, books, tallit, tefillin, kiddush cup, electronic gadgets, gift cards, jewellery, etc. 

The price of the gift depending on your relationship with the boy and his family:

Family(ants, uncle, grandparents, etc) $180 – 540
Family friends $108 – 360
Distant relatives or acquaintances $36 – 180
Friend or classmates $36 – 108

The price can also depend on the gift choice, if it is a custom gift the price range can increase. Parents usually wish to gift the boy his first tefillin so choose the gift after careful consideration. It is the thought that matters not the amount of the gift thus consider something that will add meaning to the boy’s special day. A lot of consideration, preparation and amount has gone into making the celebration possible, it is important to show appreciation and respect to the boy’s parents and for their invitation. So, coming empty-handed is considered against tradition.


As it is a day to celebrate the boy’s change in age status making it a day of significant importance. The gifts and money spent can vary on factors like your relation, traditional value, attendance and type of gift. We hope this information was able to help you satisfy your queries and doubts about the ceremony and its gift range.

FAQs Related To How Much Bar Mitzvah Gift:

Q1. what does the term Bar Mitzvah mean?

Ans. The term “Bar Mitzvah” in the Jewish community means “son of the commandment”. It is a celebration to celebrate the coming-of-age ceremony of the boy on his 13th birthday.

Q2. Is it important to gift the amount in cash form?

 Ans. No, you can gift the money in any form. But if you are considering a cashless form, then make sure to make it payable to one of the parents so that they can transfer the amount to the boy’s bank account for future investment and savings. But make sure the amount is in the form of a multiple of 18 according to their beliefs and ethics.

Q3. Do I need to gift if invented to a bar mitzvah?

Ans. Yes, as it is a vital day of a boy’s life, so gifting any amount or gift shows your support and care for the boy’s future.

Q4. What should I keep in mind while gifting money to the boy?

Ans. It is important to gift money in the multiple of 18 as it is considered a lucky number in the Jewish community. It is a part of their tradition and thus needs to be respected.

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