Baby Naming Ceremonies | Rabbi For Baby Naming

Baby Naming Ceremonies (Jewish, Catholic & Hebrew)

infant with mother
Baby Naming

You can hold a baby naming ceremony wherever you like, such as in a synagogue, your home, or even a park. Since it doesn’t involve a medical procedure, there are no restrictions. You can hold the ceremony anytime you want, but some biblical time frames you can consider are after 14 days, when a mother’s ritual impurity ends after the birth of a daughter; when the baby turns 1 month old, following the ancient belief that a child was only viable after 30 days; and after 80 days, the length of time a woman had to wait in biblical times after birthing a girl to bring sacrifices to the Temple. But ultimately, you can choose any date or timeframe that feels significant to you.

You don’t have to keep your baby’s name a secret until the ceremony, but it’s up to you if you want to. If you need help choosing a Hebrew name, there are plenty of online resources available.

The first-known ceremony for a girl’s naming, welcoming, and covenant was published in 1973, and it emerged in the Reform movement and the Jewish feminism wave.

You can opt for a baby naming ceremony instead of a bris for medical or ideological reasons or if your baby has already been circumcised at the hospital. The baby naming ceremony is flexible and customizable, with prayers, blessings, a speech from the parents about the name’s significance, and rituals to symbolize the baby’s covenant with God. It can be held in a synagogue, your home, or any other venue you prefer.

When it comes to Jewish naming ceremonies for babies, the bris or brit milah, a circumcision ceremony held for baby boys on their eighth day, is the most common historical ritual. However, this traditional ceremony only applies to male babies. Many parents opt out of circumcision for their sons due to personal reasons or have already had it done in the hospital. So, what about the other 50% of babies and those who don’t want a bris? The solution is a baby naming ceremony. This Jewish ceremony is held after the baby’s birth and serves to welcome the baby into the Jewish community without involving circumcision. The ceremony typically involves different rituals, prayers, and songs, and its main purpose is to celebrate the birth of the child, reveal their name and meaning, and welcome them into the Jewish faith.

Baby naming ceremonies come in many forms, with most having gendered and denominational names. Some of the most popular ones for girls include Brit bat, Simchat bat, and Zeved Habat. For boys, the most common name is Brit ben. Some ceremonies, like Brit shalom, Brit hayim, and Brit tikkun, are non-gendered. If you don’t want to choose one of these names, you can simply call it a baby naming ceremony.

Baby naming
infant's family

“Rabbi Broden was very professional and friendly. He took the time to meet with us, provide us with sample ceremonies and was very easy to contact when we had questions. It was a pleasure to find someone who was willing to work with clergy of another faith and perform a beautiful ceremony. We were so pleased that we have asked Rabbi Broden to also co-officiate our baby naming ceremony as well!”

Jen Simon

The birth of a child brings joy and blessings to the family. The baby naming ceremony is a beautiful tradition to celebrate the child’s birth. Moreover, the child is welcomed in the Jewish community with the disclosure of their Hebrew name. A Jewish baby naming ceremony plays a pivotal role in Jewish rituals and it is a spiritual way to pray for the bright future of the new child. In this detailed exploration, we delve into everything you need to know about the Jewish baby naming ceremony and its significance.

In the Jewish baby naming ceremony, parents give their baby boy or girl a secular name to define their child’s unique identity and personality. Giving a name to your newborn child is a big occasion. So, it must be special, spiritual, memorable, and include many blessings, and this is where Rabbi Ron Broden steps in!

We are delighted to craft a Jewish Bris Ceremony that is right and personalized to you. You can hold the baby naming ceremony at your home or other venue. We offer flexible and customizable baby naming ceremony services that celebrate Judaism the significance of a Jewish name and its connection with Jewish history.

If you want to invite us as part of your special occasion, feel free to reach out to us by dialing (917) 210-5807.

Significance of Hebrew Name & Jewish Baby Naming Ceremony

A person is like their name. It is a reflection of the person’s personality and expresses his/her unique identity. The name is most probably the first aspect that we know about a person. Selecting the best name for the child is a challenging deal as it will define their existence and stay in the past, present, and future.

In Jewish culture, a baby naming ceremony holds a great religious significance. It is an exquisite ceremony in which the baby is given his/her Hebrew name. In Jewish baby naming ceremonies, the Rabbi recites special blessings and prayers expressing gratitude towards God and connection to Judaism.

In Judaism, it is strongly believed that a newborn child’s name should have an individual Hebrew name with deep and creative meaning. When the child grows up and begins their religious education, the child will participate in ceremonies and religious services at which their Hebrew name will be used. Not only during the educational period but on the wedding occasion when he/she will start a new life of togetherness as soulmates and during the funeral when they will bid farewell to the world, the Hebrew name will be used.

If the Jewish mother gave birth to the first son that ceremony is called Pidyon Haben which is also known as “Redemption of the Son” and is organized on the thirtieth day of his birth. For the Brit Bat or Jewish Girl naming ceremony, the Hebrew name can be given and announced at any time but usually in the first few weeks after birth.

To celebrate the child’s entrance, sometimes families only send invitations to their closest friends and family or most of their relatives. Whether it’s for a baby boy or a baby girl, the presence of elder family members in the Hebrew baby naming ceremony holds great importance in offering blessings for the welfare of the child.

Why Choose Rabbi Ron Broden’s Jewish Ceremonies for a Jewish Baby Naming Ceremony

We understand the tears of happiness that come with the arrival of a new baby. For Jewish families, this joyful celebration is only completed by following ancient traditions and significant rituals like the baby naming ceremony. Rabbi Ron Broden has been conducting Jewish naming ceremonies for many years.

With heartwarming prayers and blessings, we pray for the newborn child’s health, joyfulness, bright destiny, and hope for a spiritual connection in Judaism. Whether the family wants a simple baby naming ceremony at home or a splendid baby naming event at another venue, we will not hesitate to make it more special and devotional.

We not only conduct baby naming ceremonies, but we also offer services for weddings, funerals and unveilings, Bar Mitzvah, and Bats Mitzvahs.

To know more about Rabi Ron Broden’s Jewish Ceremonies, feel free to reach out to us by phone at (917) 210-5807, fill out a form, and schedule a meeting, we will be here for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jewish baby naming ceremony

Q1: Can I rent a rabbi for baby naming?

If you are looking for a rabbi for baby naming, then you can contact Rabi Ron Broden’s Jewish Ceremonies by dialing (917) 210-5807 or by emailing

Q2: What is the significance of the Hebrew name in Judaism?

In Judaism, it is strongly believed that a newborn child’s name should have an individual Hebrew name that has both a particular meaning as well as connects us to generations past. At lifecycle events such as a bar/bat mitzvah, wedding, and funeral, the Hebrew name will be used.

Q3: How many days after the birth is Brit Milah?

Brit Milah or circumcision ceremony is a ritual custom in Judaism that is performed on the eighth day of the birth. Today, many parents of newborn males prefer to have the circumcision performed in the hospital and to schedule a baby naming ceremony at a later date. Thus, the date of a boy’s naming can be scheduled similarly to the date of a newborn girl’s naming.

Q4: What are the services offered by Rabbi Ron Broden’s Jewish Ceremonies?

Apart from Jewish baby naming ceremonies, our services also include weddings, funerals and unveilings, Bar Mitzvah, and Bats Mitzvahs.

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