Funerals & Unveilings


Funerals and Cremations – Saying goodbye to your loved ones is one of the most challenging phases that tears your heart apart. According to Jewish law, one must enjoy life by embracing the truth of death. Funeral services in Jewish traditions are deeply connected with centuries-old customs and traditions. Funeral services for Jewish ceremonies are a way to offer spiritual support and comfort to the mourners for the loss of their loved ones.

According to Jewish funeral law, a deceased should be buried as soon as possible within 24 hours. That’s why the immediate relatives should plan the funeral arrangements on time and contact a reliable and right rabbi to officiate the funeral. 

In addition to the religious aspects of the funeral service, some specific customs and traditions are observed within the Jewish community. For example, it is customary for mourners to avoid mirrors, new garments as a symbol of their grief, and sit on low stools or the floor during the mourning period.

Cremation is strictly prohibited in orthodox Jewish tradition, but reform Jews have accepted cremation under some circumstances. Other than that, organ donation is also accepted in Jewish funeral traditions as it is a part of good deeds. Desecration of the deceased is also not accepted in Judaism. In the case of post-mortem, a trustworthy rabbi should be present. 

Funerals Service for Jewish Ceremonies: Must Followed Ettiquetes to Honor The Soul

Traditionally, Jewish funeral services are held within 24 hours of death at a synagogue or funeral home. It usually lasts for 15 -60 minutes. The rabbi officiates the funeral ceremony with the funeral prayers performed to purify the deceased “Tahara”, burial, and others.

The members of the deceased family were invited to place dirt on the casket, helping to fill the grave. If you are a non-Jewish member who is going to attend your Jewish friend’s most heartbreaking moment, then make sure you follow some funeral etiquette to honor the departure with respect.  

  1. When it comes to sharing condolence with the Jewish family, it is best to avoid sending flowers as it is seen as an inappropriate gesture to express sympathy to the mourners.
  2. Don’t use music, click pictures and record anything. These are non-permissible under Jewish funeral law.
  3. Your clothing should be modest and peaceful. A woman can wear the long-modest dress by covering their head. Men should always wear plain clothes and cover their heads with skullcaps.
  4. You can choose donations to pay tribute to the deceased. 
  5. As a non-Jewish member, you can also take part in prayers and chants, although it is not essential.
  6. The family of the deceased is suffering from a huge loss. They need some time to recover and heal. So, try to keep your visit short during the Shiva period (a mourning period of seven days in Jewish tradition), to allow private time for the deceased family so that they can heal as soon as possible while accepting the truth.


Rabbi For Funerals in New York
Rabbi For Funerals in Connecticut
What Role Does the Rabbi Play in Mourning?
Rabbi For Funerals in New Jersey
How Much Does a Jewish Funeral Cost?


“Rabbi, I’d like to thank you again for giving my mother such a beautiful funeral. You conduct yourself with a very gentle and sincere countenance. We visited my brother Isaac afterwards, and I know your service as well as her children reunited would have pleased my mother greatly.”

Jacob Bondell

“Please accept this donation to your discretionary fund in memory of our mother and grandmother. We all thank you for the lovely service which you conducted and for the eulogy which celebrated her life. To all in attendance it sounded as if you knew her very well.”

The family of Bertha Steinberg

“Dear Ron, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful service you conducted on Sunday for mom and dad. I heard so many nice comments from my family and friends, and I know mom and dad would tell you the same if they could! If I’m in need of a Rabbi in the future, you will be the man I call. I’m so happy to live in the age of the internet or we never would have found you. Again, thank you so much.”

Sue Turturo

“Dear Rabbi Broden, I just want to thank you for doing such a wonderful job at my mother, Joy Raden’s, funeral today. Your remarks not only captured the essence of my mother as a person but were also delivered in a comforting and healing manner. I left the ceremony feeling calm and peaceful. You did a mitzvah by helping me through my grieving process. I spoke to the others in attendance, and everybody else felt exactly the same way”

Matthew Raden

“Ron: I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your handling of my mother’s funeral and unveiling this past weekend. If I hadn’t known better, I would have sworn you had known her all your life! You were able to pick out the salient points in the stories we all threw at you just moments before you had to speak, and you helped us through a most difficult time with grace and dignity – and a sense of humor my parents would have appreciated.”

Joanne Mahnken

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